![Digital infrastructure solutions from Siemens help create self-optimizing, sustainable, future-proof, smart cities that benefit all residents. siemens-smart-cities](https://assets.new.siemens.com/siemens/assets/api/uuid:175fc3e2-8b97-4d86-abdb-cba0e32b9c97/width:100/quality:low/crop:0:0,25225225225225223:0,838:0,6276276276276276/siemens-smart-cities.jpg)
Solving for the future: The smart city
Smart cities are about using digitalization to create future-viable, self-optimizing, sustainable urban communities where people love to live, work, and learn. They provide an environment that improves life for everyone: residents, businesses, students and faculty, and visitors. At the same time, a smart city is efficient, resilient, and minimizes environmental impacts.