SINUMERIK ONE: Virtual machine training in the classroom

Do you train machining technicians but you don't have access to a training machine? Are you a training organization and you want to add a new machining technology to your portfolio? Do you teach in a vocational school, but you run into bottlenecks when it comes to having machines to train on? In the CNC training domain, there is an increasing demand for solutions that allow training in a classroom setting on machines that are very similar to the real ones.
Grafik zu vrituellen Maschinen im Schulungsumfeld
Do you train machining technicians but you don't have access to a training machine? Are you a training organization and you want to add a new machining technology to your portfolio? Do you teach in a vocational school, but you run into bottlenecks when it comes to having machines to train on? In the CNC training domain, there is an increasing demand for solutions that allow training in a classroom setting on machines that are very similar to the real ones.